First Baby of 2023 born at Lakewood
Two thousand twenty-three brought the celebration of birth for Courtney and Ryan Schrupp, Pine River, who welcomed their new baby girl, Riverly Michelle, into the world on January 1, 2023.
Riverly was born at 2:19 a.m., weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and measured 22 inches long.
She is welcomed home by her siblings: Rylan, Reagan and Rylah.
The delivering provider was Dr. Kaitlyn Schoeck.
To celebrate Riverly’s birth, the Lakewood Health System Foundation and Piecemakers Quilt Club of Staples presented gifts to the family in honor of the new year.
The Foundation gave a gift of $100 and a basket of goodies from The Shoppe, Lakewood’s gift shop. The Piecemakers Quilt Club gave a beautiful handmade baby quilt, prepared just for the first baby of 2023.