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Governor Walz Extends Stay Home Order until May 4

To continue Minnesota’s success in slowing the spread of COVID-19 across the state, Governor Tim Walz today extended the Stay Home Order until May 4.

“What we are doing is working, Minnesota,” said Governor Walz. “We are taking this seriously, and we are staying home. While Minnesota is showing lower rates of infections than our peers across the country, now is not the time to let up or allow that trajectory to change. Updated federal guidance and our own public health experts are showing that if we keep staying home, we will save lives – which is why I made the data-driven decision to extend the Stay Home Order until May 4.”

The Governor’s order to stay home is forecasted to significantly slow the spread of COVID-19, pushing out the peak of the disease and allowing the state to continue key preparations for the pandemic. These preparations include building new hospital capacity and buying ventilators and masks, planning for how to protect those most at risk, expanding testing, and freeing up time for health care giants like the Mayo Clinic to develop critical treatments for the virus. The Stay Home Order is now extended to 11:59 pm on May 3, 2020.

“As a mom and a daughter, I know how challenging this is for Minnesota families – but it is working,” said Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan. “These decisions are guided by the best-available data, and we are constantly responding to new information and challenges. Staying home is the best strategy we have, and it is saving lives, especially of our most vulnerable.”

Consistent with the extended Stay Home Order, Executive Order 20-33 also extends the closure of bars, restaurants, and other public accommodations through 11:59 pm on May 3, 2020 and outlines exemptions to the Stay Home Order, including exempted activities and critical sector workers.

“We’re facing an historic public health crisis, and Minnesotans are rising to the challenge,” Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said. “The social distancing and community mitigation efforts Governor Walz implemented have secured us much-needed time to prepare more fully for the predicted peak in cases, and today’s announcement gives us a better chance to save even more lives. We are thankful for the tremendous effort and sacrifices Minnesotans are making.”

Under the extended order, Minnesotans may leave their residences only to perform the following activities, and while doing so, they should practice social distancing:

  • Relocation to ensure safety, such as relocating to a different location if your home is unsafe due to domestic violence, sanitation, or reasons related to essential operations.

  • Health and safety activities, such as obtaining emergency services or medical supplies.

  • Outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking, running, biking, hunting, or fishing.

  • Necessary supplies and services, such as getting groceries, gasoline, or carry-out.

  • Essential intrastate and interstate travel, such as returning to a home from outside this state.

  • Care of others, such as caring for a family member, friend, or pet in another household.

  • Displacement, such as moving between emergency shelters if you are without a home.

  • Moving or relocation, such as moving to a new home or place of residence.

  • Voting, including all local and state elections.

  • Funerals, provided that no more than ten attendees are gathered and strict social distancing is enforced.

  • Tribal activities and lands, such as activities by members within the boundaries of their tribal reservation.

Executive Order 20-33 also orders that all workers who can work from home must do so. Workers in critical sectors who cannot work from home are permitted to go to work. Guidance related to critical sectors is available at

The Governor’s Executive Order will have the full force and effect of law upon approval by the Executive Council.

Updates on the COVID-19 pandemic in Minnesota are available at

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