Harkening Back
News from Clarissa's Past
The Clarissa Independent
25 Years Ago
June 14, 1995
Eligible voters of Independent School Districts 789, Clarissa; and 790, Eagle Bend; will go to the polls on Tuesday, June 20, from noon to 8 p.m. to vote on consolidating the two districts. The districts have been operating under a pairing/sharing agreement the past seven years. The elementary is located in the Clarissa School and the junior and senior high in the Eagle Bend School.
Miriam Christin Holte learned to call another part of the world ‘home’ this year. A native of Norway, Miriam has been living with Larry and Pam Cook of Clarissa as part of the Youth for Understanding international exchange program. The most important part of Miriam’s exchange year was her host family, the Cooks. They welcomed her as part of their family, treating her as a daughter. The Cook family provided more than a home and meals; they also gave love, guidance and the experience of what life is like in an American family.
50 Years Ago
June 11, 1970
High School Principal Otto Kamrud resigned his position last Monday evening at the June meeting of the board of education with a request for a release that he might accept a post in the Park Rapids school system.
The Christmas Seal mobile x-ray unit was in Clarissa from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. last Tuesday and while here processed 54 x-rays of local people. Assisting the technician in Clarissa were Mrs. Robert Cuchna and Mrs. George F. Etzell.