News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
February 26, 1997
Eagle Valley FFA awards. The Ag Mechanics Team of Travis Drayna, Josh Moen, Owen Prather, and Jason Nelson placed second out of 12 teams. The contest included an electrical wiring exercise, gas welding, small gas engines, surveying, soil, determining rafters for a building, and a hay baler written test. Travis placed fifth individually.
On February 21 and 22 the Rebels Wrestling Team went to Osakis to wrestle in the 1997 individual tournament. The Rebels wrestling team had two wrestlers bringing home medals. Jed Hess at 112 pounds placed sixth and Terry Runge at 275 pounds placed second and qualified for the state meet in St. Paul on February 27, 28, and March 1 at the Civic Center.
50 Years Ago
February 24, 1972
A program for preschool children in the Eagle Bend School district has recently received approval from the Title 1 ESEA Office and is not in operation according to Mrs. Othella Waldahl, elementary principal.
An enthusiastic group of local young people, shown discussing campaign plans with Vickie Bakken and serving under the banner of the Teen Action Program of the Community Service Club, climaxed the National Foundation March of Dimes 1972 Campaign, Thursday, February 3, in Eagle Bend.