Students donate 493 food items!

by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale School’s Family, Career, Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter hosted a food drive from January 8 through February 2, with donations going to the Verndale Area Food Shelf.
Verndale Area Food Shelf Director Mary Ayers had contacted the school for assistance with a food drive. FCCLA Advisor Jamie Adams and her students headed up the food drive.
“Our numbers have doubled since last year, and money doesn’t stretch as far these days. Jamie was excited to do this and intends to do it again in May. March is the national fundraiser month, but this could not have come at a better time,” explained Ayers
The entire school was invited to participate in the event. The class who collected the most food won a pizza party. Mrs. Jones’ first grade class was the winner!
The school brought in 493 food items to be donated...