Dogs at the Karvonen Funeral Home offer emotional support...and tissues
The dogs at the Karvonen Funeral Home comfort those who are grieving with cuddles, by petting them or they just sit and listen. They may sit next to you, on your feet, play with children or even bring you a tissue.
by Trinity Gruenberg
Funerals are a difficult time for friends and families as they mourn the loss of a loved one. As they gather to remember and reminisce, tears are often shed. It’s typical to hand someone a tissue, but it’s not common to see the tissues being dropped in your hand by a furry face with big brown puppy eyes staring up at you.
Karvonen Funeral Home, owned by Greg and Suzi Karvonen, has served the area for over 100 years with their roots being in New York Mills, as Greg is a third-generation funeral director. They also have locations in Wadena and Henning. . .