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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, January 9, 1947

•At the initial meeting of the Verndale Council for the new year, held Monday night, Arthur F. Bergquist, a trustee on the Village Council the past year was appointed mayor to finish out the unexpired term of J.J. Waterhouse. Mr. Waterhouse, it will be remembered, resigned his position as mayor a few weeks ago. A new member to the village council to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Bergquist will be named at a later date.

•The Verndale Theater, which has been closed since August, will open Friday night of this week with regular showings on Friday and Saturday nights each week. For the opening picture, Laurel and Hardy in the “Bullfighters” has been selected along with Mickey Mouse at the Circus and Canyons of the Sun as the extra short subjects.

• Delores Kelzenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kelzenberg, Verndale, is one of the most recent additions to the Northwest Airlines Stewardess corps, Mrs. Florence Kerr, director of Stewardesses for the airline announced.

40 Years Ago, January 14, 1982

•Holding tee shirts they received for placing in the top 10 percent at the Math Meet sponsored by Jamestown College are Ken Waisanen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Einard Waisanen, and Dean Dahlvang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Dahlvang. Ken is a junior and had 29 out of 30 points to tie for second place. Since this is Ken’s second-year win, he was given a $1200 renewable scholarship to the college. Dean, a ninth-grader, is a first-time winner in the lower division and finished first out of the 21 VHS contestants with a score of 23 out of 30.

•John Erickson, a native of Wadena, has assumed the manager’s post at Tomlinson-Great Plains Supply, Verndale, taking over the reins from Grant Boe who will take over salesperson responsibilities. A 1960 graduate of Wadena High School, John attended the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, for two and a half years; worked with his father for another two and a half years at Erickson Enterprises, Wadena; then as a salesman for eight and a half years at Northwest Lumber/Lamps, Wadena and for the past four months in West St. Paul for Menards.

• Fifth and sixth graders in Mr. Krogstad’s room complete their nutrition studies with a breakfast of toast, peanut butter, cereal, milk and orange juice. Wendy Heller and Cal Meister spread peanut butter on slices of toasted bread while Melissa Richter had a second helping of cereal.

15 Years Ago, August 11, 2007

•Five students from Verndale High School attended the MN ENABL training on November 14 in Staples. They are Jessica Grossinger, Kristen Lollar, Tina Albin, Alexia Christianson and Brittani Groshong. The Wadena County Public Health Department MN ENABLE project provided training in collaboration with the Freshwater Education District. These teens will assist health instructor Pam Kniefel, presenting the PSI (postponing sexual involvement) curriculum to eighth grades students.

•Students of the month were recognized. Jackie Finck, 11th grade; Jacob Booth, fifth grade; Addison Neal, first grade; and Harley Anderson, ninth grade.

•The Wadena County Board of Commissioners began the new year of 2007 by handling necessary matters of county business including appointment, meeting date and official salaries. Commissioner Bill Stearns was elected to serve as chair of the board. Commissioner Orville Meyer was elected vice-chair.



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