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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, November 28, 1946

• Four people have filed for the vacancies in the village council and other offices to be filled at the village election next Tuesday, December 3. No opposition will appear on the ballots, however, as only one filing for each vacancy has been made. The offices and candidates are: Trustee, three years, Fred E. King; assessor, two years, C. L. Davis; Justice of Peace, two years, Joe H. Wagner; village clerk, two years, Clayton Kopp.

• There will be a Union Thanksgiving service at the Christian Alliance Church. Reverend D.D. Roehl from the Gospel Tabernacle will bring the Thanksgiving message. This invitation comes from President Truman and Governor Thye.

• Because of the crowded condition at the Wesley Hospital and the increasing occupancy of patients, Madell Motsiff, superintendent, stated that is has been found necessary to make the following rules regarding visitors. On the obstetrical floor, only husbands will be permitted to visit patients. On the medical and surgical floors, only members of the immediate family will be permitted to visit patients.

40 Years Ago, December 3, 1981

• A 1975, four-wheel Ford pickup, belonging to Duane Davis of Verndale, was stolen from in front of his home on November 16. It was left abandoned later that day, north of Rice in Benton County, just off Highway 10. It wasn’t until the following Thursday that it was reported by a farmer, then towed to St. Cloud where Davis retrieved it. It had apparently been ditched when it ran out of gas and had a flat tire. The primary damage to the vehicle was the cut ignition wires.

• Displaying the pins they were awarded for 4-H achievements at the county 4-H rally on Saturday evening in Wadena were Shari and Wayne McClure; members of the Central 4-H Club. Shari received the junior horticultural pin for her work with indoor gardening. Wayne was awarded the Mobay Chemical Corporation Award in entomology; the Ortho Consumer Products Division and the Chevron Chemical Company Award in vegetable gardening.

• Awarded volunteer leadership certificates and silver 4-H clover pins for five years of service as adult leaders were: Mrs. Rueben Raatikka of Sebeka (Blowers 4-H), Mrs. Dieter Meister of Verndale (Bluegrass Ramblers 4-H) and Mrs. Willard Kappers of Wadena (Green Star Flyers).

15 Years Ago, November 30, 2006

• The Verndale third graders put on a play last Monday about the importance of Thanksgiving. They went back in time to tell about how Thanksgiving came to be and the Thanksgiving story about the Mayflower arriving in America. They told of how the Indians and Pilgrims taught each other different skills.

• The Verndale School had six participants competing this year for the Voice of Democracy audio-essay contest. The theme was “Freedom’s Challenge.” The six participants were: Matthew Fisher, Brenda Roth, Jessica Sly, Melissa Perius, Noel Ash and Joshua Lucius. Winners were: first place, Matthew Fisher; second place, Brenda Roth; and third place, Jessica Sly.

• Birthday club this month: Mary Ann Schmull, Wilber Desrocher, Agneta Wright, Dora Mae Weiher, Helen Apel and Mary Horsager.



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