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In Focus

After being unable to attend book club all summer, I finally was able to return to the monthly gathering! This month’s book was When No One Is Watching: A Thriller by Alyssa Cole.

The book takes place in Brooklyn, in a Brownstone neighborhood, following the main characters Sydney and Theo. Strange occurrences happen when a large pharmaceutical company moves into the old neighborhood hospital. Neighbors disappear and are quickly replaced by new ones. Others are getting scammed out of their homes, something Sydney’s mother fell victim to. 

The duo learns more about each other’s dark past, the secrets they keep, the neighborhood’s past, and other neighborhoods that fell victim to gentrification. The pharmaceutical company, owning everyone, including the police, leaves the neighborhood panicked as they have no one but themselves to turn to when the neighborhood comes under siege. 

Learning the truth behind the pharmaceutical company and the tests they were running was horrifying.

This book is a page-turner. The psychological thriller aspect kept me on the edge of my seat, constantly guessing what would happen next. It also delves into urban legends, adding an extra layer of intrigue. The book’s exploration of the area’s history and the real-world issues it raises is eye-opening. It’s a compelling read that I highly recommend.

I’m already looking forward to our next read, For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer. The premise of time-traveling twin sisters who must make a life-altering decision about which timeline to stay in sounds interesting. 


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