In Focus

Mom’s cancer update—she doesn’t have to go back on chemo.
Back in July, things quickly took a nosedive after Mom’s first and only chemo treatment. She ended up being hospitalized for ten days with a blood infection. The infection grew vegetation on the leads of her pacemaker, making surgery to remove it extremely difficult, so they put her on antibiotics. There were three weeks of injections, administered by yours truly and followed by oral antibiotics for life. The infection originated from her finger, which was operated on.
Because of that fiasco, chemo was delayed to get the infection under control. She was cleared to start her immunotherapy again. Still, the doctors wanted another PET scan to gauge where the cancer was at after having to halt treatment temporarily.
We were fully expecting little to no change or even possibly the cancer spreading. Her lung cancer was spotted across both lungs when this journey started. The results now show only one tiny spot.
I’m in shock. How, with what seems like so little treatment, is the cancer nearly gone? I was fully prepared for a sick mom 3.0 back on chemo, but now, I don’t have to worry about that. She will remain on the immunotherapy for a few months but doesn’t need to go back on chemotherapy.
I am so happy and relieved that things are better, much better than we had anticipated. I know Mom is relieved and won’t have to worry about losing her hair regrowth.
The fight isn’t over, but the finish line seems so much closer now. What a relief!