Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:
In 1879, my grandparents (Beckers, Hosts, Johnsons and Motzkos) homesteaded in the Browerville area. My family has taken great pride in supporting education through the years in our community. I have been taught that education is a wise investment to the growth of our community.
This community has always been progressive to the needs of all individuals whether it be building churches, schools, a hospital, medical clinics, a swimming pool, an “Area Food Shelf,” homes and a school for people with mental challenges, a community center, a veterans club, and a milk processing plant.
Back in the 1950’s, Browerville was one of the largest butter producing plants in the nation. These are just some of the few accomplishments that have made Browerville a great place to live.
Back in the fall of 1978, I was helping fill silo at the Roman and Helen Goligowksi farm. At the supper table Roman, along with Ray Kopp who was also helping, were discussing how they supported the new school that was built in 1976.
Roman looked over to Ray and said that it was “only right to vote yes for a new building.” Both men agreed that when their children were in school the community supported the education system and now it was their opportunity to help educate the future families.
In 1976, farmers were taxed at the full rate.
In May of 2019, the state legislature passed “The Ag2School Property Tax Relief” bill providing debt service levy tax relief of 70% on agricultural and timber properties.
Please consider voting “yes” for the future of the residents of the Browerville/Eagle Valley School District.
Go Tigers!
Douglas Johnson