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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

April 1, 1998

An open house was held at Bertha City Hall to welcome Bertha’s new chief of police, Dave Cowlishaw. Pictured are local law enforcement officers: Corey Heid of Browerville, Kyle Huber of Staples and Jon Barber of Clarissa.


BPA members, Theresa Richter and Jessica Samuelson, will compete at the National Business Professionals of America conference in San Antonio, TX in April. State competition was held March 12-14 in Minneapolis. The competition was tough with school sizes ranging from Bertha-Hewitt’s size to schools as large as Eden Prairie.


The city of Bertha has applied for the re-issuance of their existing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System and State Disposal System permit. This permit will supersede the permit which is currently in effect. The permit allows the city to operate a treatment facility for wastewater from normal domestic use and municipal sources.


Speech team members who placed in sub-sections held on March 26 in Staples were: Amy Jackson, Heidi Stokes, Jenny Albright, Jessica Samuelson and Missy Anderson.



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