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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's History

25 Years Ago

February 14, 1996

Darrin Kuhnke and Neil Ostlund won at the area hoop shoot held in Wadena. They also finished second in the regionals held in Brainerd this past weekend. Kuhnke shot 20/25 baskets. Ostlund shot 22/25 baskets in their age groups.


The Bertha-Hewitt Business Professionals of America chapter returned home from Region 7 competition with six region champs. Every student did an outstanding job as 14 of 27 students qualified for a trip to the state competition in March. Shelly Brown led the Bears with two championships in two events—payroll and financial assistant. Other students who qualified for state in more than one event were: Kevin Kyar, Staci Sieling, Kristi Shamp, Faith Klebs, and Amanda Blashack.

75 Years Ago

February 14, 1946

On The U.S.S. Kermit Roosevelt, Floyd J. Perkins, S 1-c of Bertha is serving on a ship carrying on repair work for units in the 7th Fleet in the North China area at Tsingao, China.


Marking the 36th anniversary of the Boy Scout movement in America, Troop No. 59 conducted a Court of Honor on Sunday evening with the troop committee and parents as guests. Honored at the court which was conducted by John Lane, scout executive for Brainerd, were Robert Mulling, who received seven Merit Badges, enough to make him the only Star Scout in the local troop. Donovan Johnston received one Merit Badge. A Cub Scout pack was organized with the following members: Darrell Anderson, James Potratz, Fay Miller, Norman Quanbeck, Delmar Kotz, James Bassett, Edward Rosenberg, Galen Bottemiller, and Corky Cornell.


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