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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

June 17, 1998

Reminiscent of the old-fashioned barn raising, members of the congregation of Eagle Bend’s United Methodist Church gathered Saturday for a “Scrape and Paint” party. They spent the day preparing the exterior of the building for a new paint job. With lots of helpers, the work was quickly accomplished. A bountiful luncheon was served by the Ladies Aid. Youngsters helped scrape while their dads manned the pressure washers on the other sides of the church.


An open house was held at “The Spot”, Eagle Bend’s teen center, on Friday night. The occasion was to welcome new Manager Sarah Ikola and to bid farewell to retiring Manager Elsie Gustafson. Gustafson has been its manager since February 1992.

66 Years Ago

June 20, 1957

The winner of the Burleene-Wykeham Farm Bureau butter cookie contest is Mrs. Quentin Beck. Mrs. Lincoln Miles is the second-place winner. The contest was held in conjunction with the regular Farm Bureau meeting on June 14 at the Charles Harmon home.


Resident deer hunters killed 69,434 deer during the 1956 Minnesota hunting season, so reports the Bureau of Research and Planning, game and fish division.



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