Verndale City Council: CD investment and fire hall loan payoff approved

by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on Monday, January 13. Mayor Tara Erckenbrack and new members Raye Ludovissie and Nick Scholer were sworn in.
Public Works
Supervisor Matt Uselman stated they have officially moved into the new shop, with a lot of organizing to be done yet between plowing and regular work.
He has contacted paving companies for quotes for paving Second Avenue North between Thompson Street and Brown Street; Second Avenue South between Brown and Farwell Streets, the drive and lot at the shop; and Butler Street South from First Avenue to Third Avenue.
Two sewers have frozen already this year. The 1000-gallon credit is in effect for January and February and likely will be for March.
Uselman asked where they plan to put the money from the sale of the building? The funds for the sale haven’t come in yet and they discussed putting them in a short term CD until they can do street projects in June. The approximate $100,000 may not be enough to cover the street projects he has out for quotes. Approved to invest the sale funds in a six-month CD....