Verndale City Council: New sidewalk plans are concerning

by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on Monday, October 14. Members Ardith Carr and Daryl Jacobs were absent.
Ryan Odden with Moore Engineering brought preliminary sidewalk designs for the Safe Routes to School grant.
The proposed sidewalks would be on both sides of Brown Street, one side of 5th Avenue, and both sides of Thompson Street.
A group of residents from Thompson Street attended and shared concerns about the sidewalk.
Lisa Randall was concerned about the proposed placement as it would cut into her driveway and would result in parking partially on the sidewalk or being unable to park in front of her garage. She was also concerned about the liability of someone falling on the sidewalk and suing her and who was responsible for tree roots pushing up the sidewalk?
The city ordinance stated it was up to the homeowner to maintain the sidewalk. The roots would fall under the homeowner’s responsibility. The city would grind down any trip hazards....