Wadena County Commissioners: Abandoned property cleanup and cats at Bell Hill property discussed

by Trinity Gruenberg
The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 7. Bryan Winkels joined the board. Bill Stearns was elected board chair and Ron Noon was elected vice chair.
Bell Hill Discussion
Curious residents asked the commissioners about the Bell Hill property. Rick Schwartz, Leaf River Township supervisor, lives next to the property and wants to know what will happen, how it’s zoned, and what the disclosures are as he gets calls. He explained that gray water was being pumped onto those 20 acres and asked what could go on the property. Stearns said these are questions the board has, too. They desire to sell it but are having a hard time getting to that point. The commissioners will make a list of questions they need answered.
Jennifer Johnson of Cold Spring runs a non-profit animal rescue center. Bell Hill contacted her to help rescue cats as they had them on the property. Tim Pavek allowed them to catch the cats on-site. They removed 14 cats and six kittens. She asked for permission to continue to catch the remaining two cats with supervision or an escort, sign a waiver or just set a trap with a trail camera. And she needs to remove the shelters they put there....