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Wadena County Commissioners: Food shelf senior usage increases, congregate meals will be reduced

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on November 16. Commissioner Jon Kangas was out due to COVID and is recovering at home. He joined via zoom but was unable to participate due to the short notice.

Jail Kitchen Remodel

Ryan Odden, the county coordinator, explained the jail kitchen was brought up to the building committee and it was suggested to do some upgrades.

Sergeant Bryan Savaloja explained the last health inspection indicated the kitchen needed to be modernized. Also, they need a dishwasher as it has been done by hand. There would also be some other repairs. New furniture and fixtures would bring them up to par.

Heather Olson, auditor/treasurer, stated since it is considered congregate living this could qualify for ARPA funds.

Approved the quote from Central Lakes Restaurant Supply of Alexandria in the amount of $11,638. They will return with quotes for installation.

Central Minnesota Council on Aging

Lori Vrolson of the Central Minnesota Council on Aging oversees the 14 counties designated by the state. They allocate federal Older Americans Act funds to these counties. . .



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