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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, November 27, 1947

•Two contests have loomed for the village offices of mayor and treasurer with Arnold Voelk and Lester Marquardt filing for the job of village mayor, and Alan Pettit filing for village treasurer against E.W. Orr, present incumbent. For the office of village trustee, Joe Webber Sr., has filed for re-election to succeed himself.

•Mr. and Mrs. “Sharkey” Payne wish to announce that beginning Wednesday and Thursday of this week they are inaugurating a “Guest Night Plan” to run until January 1. On these nights beginning this week, a number of tickets will be drawn for patrons attending on these nights to be their “guests” the following Wednesday and Thursday.

•C. W. Horn, who purchased a store in Clarissa on August 20, sold his store to Willis Johnson of Clarissa last Friday. Mr. Horn, we are informed, has now bought the residential grocery in Wadena near the Wesley Hospital.

40 Years Ago, December 2, 1982

•Carl Lind, past president of First National Bank of Verndale, extends well wishes to Larry Hahn, as he relinquishes his office to the new vice president of the recently merged bank of Verndale with that of Bertha. Hahn has been with First National since June of 1965, beginning as a bookkeeper and teller, advancing through the ranks to his present position. He also served as vice president and cashier of the Verndale bank in January of 1966. He and his wife, Anne, will continue to make their home in Verndale.

•Senior girls who lettered and returned for basketball this year are: Robin Adams, Margaret Runyan, Nancy Coats, Shari Denny, Carmen Hosek and Cam Nelson. Their season opened last week, the girls winning over Pequot Lakes. Coach Tony Tuseth looks forward to a good season with his experienced, hard working team of dedicated girls.

•Jerry Swanson of the Bluegrass Ramblers 4-H Club and Karla Johnson, Sand Road Runners, received 4-H horticulture project awards from the Country Garden Club of Verndale at the annual 4-H rally held November 21 in Wadena.

15 Years Ago, December 12, 2007

•The Verndale City Council has, as of the Monday, December 3 meeting, approved moving forward with the proposed “2007 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements Year 1” project at an estimated total cost of $913,000. This first phase of a proposed five-year plan, includes improvements mainly to specified portions of north Verndale and a couple of alleys south of Highway 10, affecting a total of 56 properties.

•The city council unanimously voted to hire Jeff Jares as Verndale’s next chief of police at $15 an hour, pending a background check. Jares was one of three applicants who were interviewed for the job. Former Police Chief William Gilroy’s resignation was effective in October and Interim Police Chief Cory Carr continues to serve until Jares’ background check is complete and the official start date is determined.

•The Verndale girls' basketball team welcomed the Henning Hornets to their court on Friday night for varsity action. In an evenly-matched game, the Pirates had control in the first half bringing a 20-14 lead into halftime. However, the Hornets pumped up their game in the second half to come within one point of the Pirates. They found the home team on top by a margin of one at the end of the game. The score was 36-35.



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