Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, November 18, 1948
• Richard Hess of Verndale is a staff reporter for the Northern Student. Student publications are printed on tabloid size paper published eight times a year and are edited by the college students. Copies of the paper, which was established in 1929, go out to Bemidji State Teacher College’s 1300 alumni.
• Mr. and Mrs. Toby Gunvalson and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gunvalson, new owners of the Verndale Hotel and Cafe, are having a grand opening celebration at their place today, which is Thursday. They will give out free coffee and doughnuts all afternoon, and also from 8-10 p.m. they will give out free refreshments. They invite everyone in the community to come in and get acquainted.
• Two weeks ago, Coach Earl Seaton called the first basketball practice and one of the largest group of boys in years showed up on the hard woods. Mr. Seaton has been concentrating on fundamentals and the fast break drills in his early practices. Once again the Pirates will be small in size and will have to rely on their shooting skills, teamwork and agility.
40 Years Ago, November 16, 1983
• You start with a big ball no matter if your goal is a snowman or as Jackie Schwanz was doing, constructing a snow fort. It’s also one way of clearing the snow from the sidewalk without shoveling. Of course, the snow has to be wet enough to stick, which it was Sunday after about a three-inch snowfall—our second drop of the white stuff. Enough snow to cover the ground also fell Wednesday of last week, but melted when it hit the roads and sidewalks.
• Tenth grader Jeff Olson is pictured proudly holding up the tee shirt awarded him for finishing in the top 10% of the lower division math tests given annually by Jamestown College. Jeff was one of 1300 students participating. There were 45 Verndale students who took the tests. Jeff is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Olson.
• A tour of school classrooms has been arranged for next Monday evening, November 21, following a short business meeting of the Verndale Parent-Teacher-Student Association who is sponsoring the open house. The PTSA has planned the event, giving parents the opportunity to visit their children’s teachers at the site and see where they spend seven hours or more of their time each school day.
15 Years Ago, November 20, 2008
• In the twentieth century, Elmer Davis, then the director of the United States Office of War Information said, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” On November 11, the school honored our heroes. The music was performed by the Junior High Band and Choir. Lyle Haroldson, a veteran of the Vietnam War, gave a speech. Twelfth grader Jessica Sly read her winning essay from the VFW Voice of Democracy essay contest.
• Each school year the Verndale Public School administration, staff and collaborative partners seek to enhance the current school curriculum with a variety of educationally enriching opportunities for students and families. Programming is sought that will align with the goals, mission and vision of the district. This year the district scheduled the speaking services of a very successful former Verndale graduate, Mr. Dave Horsager. Mr. Horsager is a leadership strategist and a keynote speaker who has delivered life changing presentations on four continents with audiences ranging from Fortune 500 executives, the armed forces, professional sports teams and now the community of Verndale.
• On November 17, the Verndale Police Department was approached by three young females who said there was a dog in the school. The officer removed a collie type dog with a tarnished/red collar from the school and took it to the Wadena County Humane Society.