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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

April 16, 1997

Eagle Valley held its D.A.R.E. graduation on April 8. Trisha Van Pilsum, a news reporter for WCCO TV was the guest speaker. The Eagle Valley D.A.R.E. Program began in the fall of 1990. Wesley Klema from the Todd County Sheriff’s Department was the D.A.R.E. instructor this year. EV graduated 48 sixth graders from the program this year.


Eagle Valley fourth-graders recently enjoyed hearing about Norway and Greenland. Oysteen Ellingsen, previously a Norwegian exchange student who lived with Ray and Pat Tuorila and Pysaluk Lund, his friend from Greenland, visited with the eager fourth-grade students.

50 Years Ago

April 13, 1972

Because of the alertness of our local Police Chief Dennis Meyers, a stolen 1965 Chevrolet Panel was quickly recovered just outside the Clarissa Village limits Monday morning. The panel belonging to Rev. Douglas Ostlund of Bertha was stolen sometime Monday morning between the hours of 12 o’clock midnight and 4 a.m.


Clarissa Volunteer Firemen were credited with the saving of the David Dreher farm home last Saturday afternoon when part of the house and the outside walls were engulfed in flames when they arrived.



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