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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

June 19, 1996

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Clarissa is celebrating its 100th anniversary on June 23. An open house is being held in honor of the anniversary. A mass will be celebrated at 1:30 p.m. with a program to following at 2:30 p.m. followed by a luncheon. The origin of the church had appeared quite sketchy at best when a document was submitted to the Bicentennial Committee by Dorothy Klick in 1976. Klick related that she had attempted, without success, to ascertain when and by whom the first mass was celebrated in the original North Church. This fact alone, properly substantiated, would give us the exact date when the mission church began.


Eagle Valley baseball team letter winners: Jarrod Turner, Darin Dickinson, Neil Greenwaldt, Chris Johnson, Jesse Christianson, Todd Holmquist, Mike Pontius, Bob Stepaniak and Anthony Murch. All-Conference: Jarrod Turner and Darin Dickinson; sub-section, Turner; Team MVP, Turner; Golden Glove, Greenwaldt; Most Improved, Murch; highest average, Turner with .424.

50 Years Ago

June 17, 1971

Mrs. Gene Lindquist has been appointed for the fifth consecutive year as parliamentarian for the Sixth District Legion Auxiliary. She was appointed by Mrs. Edith Greenside, the newly elected Sixth District president from Cass Lake.


Two young men of this community were injured last Sunday afternoon when the plane in which they were riding crashed near their home on a neighbor’s farm in Iona Township. Injured were Mike Baker, 19, and his brother Tom, 17, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker.


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