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In Focus

Holidays at my house are going to become more epic.

Recently I inherited a lot of holiday decorations from a friend looking to downsize. I was not prepared for what I was actually going to receive.

It took three SUVs, a small trailer and two trips to bring all this stuff home.

With the help of my mom and neighbors, everything was unloaded into the garage. There were totes stacked nearly to the ceiling with barely enough room to close the garage door.

Then came the fun part...going through every tote and item to get it organized. At one point it seemed to be a bit of a daunting task but I just focused on one tote at a time.

It was like Christmas came early. Or maybe I should say Christmas in July. Well, most of it was Christmas decorations anyway.

I brought a couple of totes inside at a time to go through them individually and that took about a day and a half. My neighbors inherited a bunch of decorations and I set aside some items for the Christmas Tree Drive.

But there was way more than just Christmas items. There were Halloween, Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, Fourth of July, Easter—everything imaginable.

I was the most excited about the blow molds and outdoor props. The Christmas ones are great but the Halloween ones alone made all my efforts well worth it. They are already being incorporated into the light show.

My mom was pretty excited about the Easter stuff. When I say we have an army of rabbit blow molds, I’m not kidding. There’s at least 10 of them. While I plan to bring them out for Easter, it’s not going to be a light show because usually my Christmas decorations are frozen in the yard about that time of year. So...maybe...Santa may just have to hold a rabbit. This will be interesting, yet exciting.

My neighbors may or may not be thrilled at the prospect of the holidays overflowing into their yards.

I will also be including giant plywood cut-outs of a sleigh and reindeer. They are about as tall as I am.

After going through everything and distributing much to the neighbors, I have a ton of stuff left. So much so that my holiday storage room in the basement is full and half of the main basement is now filled. There needs to be some massive reorganization in the future. For now, it will just have to do until I start pulling things out for fall and Halloween.

I also have to redesign the light shows to incorporate the new items. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I am excited to see how this will turn out.

All these awesome decorations are in good hands and will be put to use. They will be enjoyed by many for a long time to come.

Since it is garage sale season, if you have Christmas trees, ornaments, tree skirts, lights, any items like that you wish to get rid of please let me know. I’m planning the return of the Christmas Tree Drive this year.


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