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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

April 23, 1997

All-Star Service in Bertha was the scene of a gas fire after Wayne Berndt of rural Bertha ran over a gas pump and started a fire. Black smoke filled the air when firemen were called at 7:15 p.m. Friday evening. According to assistant chief, Pete Wallner, the gas to the pumps shut off automatically when the line is severed. The only gas burned was in the filters on the pump.


Singers receiving a superior rating at the contest were: Jessica Samuelson-solo, Nanette Ostlund-solo, Shelli Brown-solo, Michelle Erickson-Duet, Erica Rach-solo, Jill Samuelson-solo, and Susan Snorek-solo and duet.

75 Years Ago

April 24, 1947

Miss Mary Youngblood, Bertha, a member of the Carnarada Club at Anderson College in Indiana will represent Sweden as a delegate in the Model United Nations Assembly to be staged at the college campus on April 25 and 26. The United Nations is sending George Mathieu, a member of the secretariat as the speaker for the occasion.


The officials of the Bertha-Hewitt Sportsmen Club have announced the division of its membership into two competing groups for the annual community crow hunt. The membership is divided into “Odds” and “Evens.” Arve Hokanson and Lawrence Doty will captain the Odds and Cary and Bud Engelmann the Evens. 293 have registered for the shoot.



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