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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

April 8, 1998

Marshall Rach, son of Paul and Cindy Rach, is the 1998 National High School League Wrestling Tournament individual champion for the 130-pound class. Rach competed in the national tournament in Pennsylvania from March 26-29. He defeated the four-time state champion from Massachusetts with a score of 13-2. It is Coach Steve Techam’s opinion that this was the “best he’s wrestled all year.”


Bertha-Hewitt held a tea in honor of the 1998 Teacher of the Year (TOY) and Outstanding Layperson in Education (OLE). The TOY is Barb Hest and the OLE is Jill Anderson. Hest was nominated by her fellow teachers. Anderson was nominated by Band Director Ken Nelson. Hest has been teaching at Bertha-Hewitt since 1975, and has been teaching third grade since 1989. Anderson has been volunteering her time and efforts to Bertha-Hewitt and programs for the past 12 years. She is a former band member and helps with concert programs, fundraisers, and chaperoning.

50 Years Ago

April 8, 1948

On March 1, three sons were born, Joseph Moen, Percy Colborn and Donald Johnson, to moms at the Crookston Hospital. It would be only run-of-the-mill news, except that the proud mothers are sisters, and that the Moen son came on the 34th baptismal anniversary of his father and the 35th anniversary of his paternal grandparents.


Oliver Larson, president of the Bertha Unit of the Farm Bureau, announced the next regular meeting of the group will be held on April 14 at the high school. R.W. Palmby, Todd County agricultural agent, will be present to show movies.



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