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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
May 20, 1998
The council discussed the tobacco ordinance. It was the opinion of Dave Cowlishaw that the city needs a stricter ordinance than the one currently employed by the county. The county set a $25 fine for underage smokers. According to Cowlishaw, the county tobacco ordinance “doesn’t do anything to curb kids from going into businesses and trying to buy tobacco.” Zimmerman asked Cowlishaw, “How would it change the kids at school...who go out at noon and smoke?” Cowlishaw stated that he would be able to cite the underage smokers. Under current county ordinances, he is unable to give them citations.
BHV girls were in action last week as they tried to win the Park Region Conference Championship. BHV also traveled to the National Sports Center in Blaine on Saturday to compete in the State True Team meet. The team had a very good experience as they competed with the top teams in Class A in track and field on Saturday. The team also improved as a team and individually as they captured the PRC title.
50 Years Ago
May 20, 1948
Two hundred fifty-six voters of School District 51 turned out to produce one of the largest votes in the history of the Bertha School District. William Heuer, with 206 votes, and Henry Harms, 148 votes, were elected. Other board members are Woodrow Anderson, Chas. LeCount, Wm. Bottemiller and Herman Sundquist.
Messrs. J.C. Miller, R.H. Kolhase, F.W. Bottemiller, L.W. Anderson and Dr. C.B. Will attended ceremonial activities of the Zuhrah Shrine Temple in Minneapolis. The gentlemen were initiated and are now full-fledged Shriners.