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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
January 12, 2000
In attempting to record interesting events that happened in Bertha during the past century, one needs to go back a little farther to the year 1876 when the first white woman came to this area from southern Minnesota. With sixteen families, a settlement was started along the Wing River. They organized a township soon after and named it after that white woman, Bertha Ristau.
The Hewitt City Council discussed the possible sale of city property to the Nazarene Church. The church would like to purchase the property for church parking. Lots seven through 12 on the west side of County Road 44, are the lots that the church wants to purchase. The board approved the sale of the property, pending a clean withdrawal from the parties who had a verbal agreement with the city.
50 Years Ago
January 12, 1950
Donovan (Buster) Cary was elected president of the Board of Directors of the Bertha-Hewitt Sportsman’s Club. Other board members elected were Harold Dull, treasurer; Harry Luitjens, secretary. Board members for the ensuing year are Lyle Rounds, Homer Pratt, Vern Captain, George McAllister, Renold Aldrich, Harold Dull, Herb Schaefer, Harry Wood, Art Lange and Wayne McIntire. The entertainment committee will be Vern Capitan, Harry Maine and Vern Young. Committee members checking the minnow pond are Homer Pratt and Herb Schaefer and the lunch committee is Homer Pratt, Herb Schaefer and George McAllister.
Carl Denniston, who has operated The Corner Cafe for three years in Hewitt, last week sold out to Merle Lindelin who took possession on Friday.