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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

June 25, 1998

Pat Kramer, Tim Duncan, Dolly Sadlo, and Lynn Geraets demonstrated the art of shooshing to Sandy Blenkush. The shooshing event held at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon replaces the toilet races. This event clearly describes the efforts of the Browerville Days Committee—teamwork. Browerville Days have become a successful event because of many taking part.


The Busy Beaver Homemakers met Thursday, June 11, at Mabel’s home. They opened the meeting with roll call being answered with a food shelf item. Nine members were present. The August 20 trip was discussed at the Woodtick Musical Theater. The cost is $32. June 27 is the day for our dairy foods contest.

75 Years Ago

June 24, 1948

The annual Todd County Farm Bureau picnic which was held at Horseshoe Lake last Sunday was attended by a reported 1400 people from all parts of the county. The day was devoted entirely to recreational activities with the kittenball tournaments taking the spotlight. Four teams under the captains of Wm. Brooks, Long Prairie; Wesley Larson, Burtrum; Raymond LaVoie, Clarissa; and Henry Stish, Staples, played for the championship.


After several weeks of hard work in preparation by the various committees of the Browerville Commercial Club—the Browerville Dairy Days celebration last Saturday and Sunday was a huge success in all ways. It has been decided to make this event an annual affair. An estimated 3000 people were in attendance—with over 1200 registering for prizes given away by the business firms of the village.



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