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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

October 15, 1997

Central Ag Services’ new grain dryer and 30,000 bushel bin in Eagle Bend were expected to be ready for service this Monday afternoon according to Manager Larry Dickinson. The new grain bin adds storage capacity, and the new dryer increases the company’s drying capacity with a quieter and faster-operating dryer. Dickinson said they needed the new dryer and bin because there are fewer animals to feed around here and more grain being raised.


The Eagle Bend Girl Scouts and members of the Wykeham Willing Workers 4-H Club combined forces to paint the new “Welcome to Eagle Bend” signs on the north and south ends of town along Highway 71. In the spring they will plant flowers around the signs to complete the project.

50 Years Ago

October 12, 1972

Bill’s Market and Locker Plant will be celebrating its 25th anniversary of business in Eagle Bend under the management of Arthur Bill this weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 12-14.


The teachers and administrators of Eagle Bend High School, aware of a greater need to communicate more and better with parents, have selected a new report card form. The new form includes the markings of A, B, C, or D for each academic course taken by the student. The new feature added includes the reporting of the student’s conduct and effort in each course taken. The teachers shall subjectively evaluate how much effort the student is exerting to meet the requirements of the course according to the student’s ability.


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