The play of the game!
by Dana Cantleberry
No doubt, it was the PLAY OF THE GAME! Bertha-Hewitt eighth grader Taylor Stange participated in a football play before the start of the Bertha-Hewitt vs. Hillcrest Lutheran Academy junior high game and Taylor scored a TOUCHDOWN!
Taylor loves football and has been a part of Bertha-Hewitt’s JH program for two years now.
Mom Lisa Stange explained Taylor’s football journey started with a raise of a hand and a postcard.
“I never gave it any thought that Taylor could someday be on a football team. Last spring, Taylor received a postcard in the mail from the high school football coach. The coach informed me that he visited the sixth-grade class and asked if anyone was interested in playing football in the fall. Taylor raised his hand! While speaking with the coach, he said we can make this happen, we’ll figure it out,” explained Lisa.
Taylor has autism and isn’t capable of playing in games as he cannot concentrate fully to play the game safely. . .