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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

May 22, 1997

It was with regret that the Browerville School Board accepted the resignation/retirement of Harry Christensen at the May 12 regular school board meeting. Christensen has been with the school since September 1, 1961. He currently teaches biology and in the summer serves as recreation director, athletic director, and community education director. The board reminisced for a few minutes before accepting his resignation which is effective May 30.


Jeff VanVoorhis marked a memorable occasion this spring when he planted his two and one half millionth tree. Jeff is a professional tree planter who started his career in 1980 when Greg Noland and Marsha Rapatz recruited him and his wife, Pam Ruehle, to travel to Oregon to help them plant trees. Jeff fell in love with the work and has been planting trees ever since.


Ann Benning has been honored with a distinguished Mission Worker Award for her many years of volunteer work with the St. Ann’s Mission Group of Christ the King. A letter of recommendation from Father Richard Wey, director of the Mission Office to Jo Dressen, secretary of St. Ann’s Mission Group states: It is with great pleasure that our Mission Group most highly recommends Ann Benning, a 15-year member of St. Anns Mission Group of Christ the King Parish, Browerville, for special recognition in mission Axillary work.”


The Browerville VFW Post #8391 and American Legion Post #293 and Auxiliary will be holding a Memorial Day observance on Monday, May 26 at the Evergreen Cemetery. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. at the Browerville High School, weather permitting.


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