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No Be A Loser With Karin

With regret, I wanted to share with all of you that we will not be having the Be A Loser With Karin contest this year.

We have had a great 10 years of the contest, but we were not able to secure a sponsor for the contest this year and so we have decided to move in a different direction.

You can still check out my blog here for my tips and struggles. I will continue to write "The Ongoing Saga of a Girl and Her Scale," here and in our print edition of the Independent News Herald.

You can also check out my blog on my personal site: where I talk about weight loss and ways to attain it!

I also talk about diabetes (specifically type 2) so if that happens to be one of your concerns, please check out my site.

I'm pretty sad about us not doing the contest this year. This has been something that I have looked forward to every year—well, except for that one year, but that's another story!

Each year I would prep myself for the contest and think of new and interesting things we could try.

But this year, well, it will certainly be different not doing all the things that I would normally do for our contest.

If you have any questions of concerns, please don't hesitate to send me a message at: and I can answer them for you.

Best wishes,



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