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A Matter of Perspective

Sometimes I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!

Do you ever have days where you feel like nothing you do makes any sense?

I do. A lot of days.

They say that time flies when you’re having fun.

I say, “Time flies when you don’t know what you’re doing!”

With all of that, I still feel like there is purpose and meaning in the world and more specifically in my own life.

I wrote last week about not worrying about tomorrow. It was interesting that my devotional reading for today talked about that very thing. See? Purposeful. It is no coincidence that things happen for a reason—even if I don’t know what I am doing. I don’t have to know.

I don’t have any control over what others do. I only have control over my actions in relation to them. If my reaction is anger (which sometimes it is), then I might miss the learning that the situation could have created.

But when I act (not react) I may see some truth or gain an understanding of why those things do matter.

When I don’t know what I am doing, it is a relief to know that often direction comes from within and not from without. Even writing this—although it may seem like I don’t know what I am doing—could have a purpose for someone. It may make someone realize that we don’t have to know what we are doing to make an impact on someone’s life.

I have heard many times that people enjoy my articles and look for them first when they get their newspaper.

So I guess it is okay if we sometimes have absolutely no idea what we are doing!

Health update

Some of you have asked how I have been feeling. In a couple of words: Not well.

I have been taking a new medication that has done wonders for my blood sugar numbers but has been making me sick. I take the weekly injection on Saturday. But Sunday I am fighting nausea. By Monday I am usually feeling poorly—weak and dizzy. By Wednesday—which usually has been the worst day—I am nauseated, dizzy and having the physical complications of everything I eat making me sick. I won’t go further with that. I think you get the idea.

Thursday I start to feel a little better and Friday I usually feel more like myself.

And then Saturday comes!

Some weeks it is a lot worse than others. When I first started taking the medication, I was sick every day. Now I do have days of relief.

And my blood sugar numbers have been much better. Now I only get into the 300s on rare occasions.

Most of the time I am in the range between 80 and 180. This is a significant improvement.

My A1c has also improved greatly.

I am looking at some other options because I don’t like being sick over half of the week but so far I haven’t come up with a good alternative.

I suppose I should start drinking my “vomit” drinks again.

In case you don’t remember, my granddaughter refers to my morning smoothies as “vomit drinks.” She calls them that because of their flavor and their look. Some of them are quite disgusting!

However, they did help keep my blood sugar numbers down.

I’ll try and experiment this week and eat smoothies and see what happens with my numbers and will report back in a couple of weeks what the results were.


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