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A Matter of Perspective

What did you think of that snow last Friday? I was excited, yet sad. I think it is too early for snow. Now I have heard that we may have shovelable snow on Tuesday... I guess by the time this edition comes out, we may already have it...

I think October is too early for shoveling snow. I really do. I know the kids get very excited about snow, but me, not as much.

But since today there is no snow, I am just going to believe that it will be a great day!

Actually, I am going to believe it is a great day no matter what.

I have been learning a lot lately about being grateful, believing there are infinite possibilities and endless opportunities—if we keep our minds open to what could be.

With the pandemic going on, it sometimes feels like there isn’t much to care about or believe in, but trust me, if you show your gratitude for what you do have, you really don’t notice as much the things you don’t have.

I have been very blessed for most of my life. I have had friends and family and food and fuel. I have had what I need and a lot of what I want, as well!

Don’t get me wrong—these past few months have been very trying on me as well as all of you.

But sometimes, when we see things through a different set of eyes we can learn to appreciate what we have and what we don’t have.

I don’t have COVID-19. For that, I am very grateful.

I do have a job that I love most of the time. For that, I am equally grateful.

I have air in my lungs.

I have peace in my heart.

I have family and friends that put up with me even at my worst.

What are you grateful for today?

Make gratitude a habit and it will change your life.


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