A Matter of Perspective
Okay. Winter was fun last week, but I am ready for fall.
It’s been an odd year. That is all I am going to say. Some people have said they are just trying to forget 2020.
The year 2020 seemed to be promising. Many of us started the year with what I like to call “2020 vision”—perfect vision. We saw promise and hope just like we often do at the beginning of the year. But 2020 seemed like it would be special.
Well, it has turned out to be “special,” that much is certain.
This has been a record-breaking year in a lot of ways including, the coldest October and the snowiest one this early.
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of all this “specialness.” I am ready for plain old ordinary life for a while.
I am tired of not seeing people face-to-face—their whole face.
I am tired of having to wear a mask when I see others disregard the whole thing and flaunt themselves around the store maskless. True, some people may have medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask. But some people just say that because they don’t want to wear the mask—AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
I have also noticed that I think this pandemic has made us fearful and suspicious of each other.
I had to go to the store the other day because we needed some groceries. We walked past this man in an aisle and I think if he could have pushed himself through the shelves to get away from us, he would have done so.
I accidentally bumped into someone the other day and you would have thought I had slapped them and took their first-born child. They glared at me like I had purposely attempted to inflict the Coronavirus onto them...through our individual coats.
Anyway, I don’t know about you, but I am going to make the best of the rest of the year. But please, no more “special” 2020 “treats”!