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Bertha-Hewitt’s board discusses options for back to school this fall

What will bus transportation look like under this new normal?

by Karin L. Nauber

The Bertha-Hewitt School Board held a special session on Monday, July 20 to discuss their back to school plans and the building update.

The majority of the meeting was discussion about what the upcoming school year might look like.

Will students continue to distance learn this fall? No one knows for certain yet.

A lot of preliminary planning has taken place, but, as Superintendent Eric Koep noted, until they get the “nod from the governor” they really don’t know which plan they will be implementing.

In a video message from Koep on the school Facebook page on July 24, Koep said that while they had hoped to get direction from the state by the end of this week, they now are expecting the information closer to July 30.

The district had also put a survey on their Facebook page. There were a variety of responses from parents. You can view those responses on the page. It appears that the general consensus was that people want to see the kids back in school this fall, but safely.

Will fall sports be held? Or will spring and fall sports swap?

The school itself has been working on three plans:

• Plan A—All kids come back like a regular school year with guidelines.

• Plan B—A hybrid plan consisting of certain students on certain days, distance learning on other days.

• Plan C—Distance learning alone.

Principal Darren Glynn, who did a lot of the presenting of the three options as well as a lot of work preparing the presentation, said that he did not believe school would ever be “school as normal” ever again.

He said they are working on the idea that they will bring the students back with guidelines. . . . .


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