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Choices for back to school

by Trinity Gruenberg

and Karin L. Nauber

The new school year is upon us and parents and students had to make a choice as to how they would receive their education this year.

Due to the pandemic, schools around the state had to offer the choice of distance learning along with in-person education. Some parents have chosen online school or homeschooling.

A survey was sent out to area families asking what educational option they were planning on choosing. Bertha-Hewitt had 50 students chose distance learning and six are trying out homeschooling. Browerville had 16 select distance learning, four homeschooling, and one online school. Verndale has 79 distance learning with 20 opting for homeschooling or online.

Discussing the options as a family was difficult, but most felt it was important to make the right decision for their family. We talked to a few local families about their decision-making process and their feelings about the whole situation.

Siblings Emma, 14, and Casey Rushmeyer, 17, of Staples attended the Verndale School the past few years. Both will be starting the school year a little differently this time around.

Emma will be entering ninth grade. She has chosen to leave the district and will be taking online classes. Her brother Casey will be a senior this year and chose to return to Bertha-Hewitt School to be with his friends. . . .



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