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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, January 30, 1947

•The meeting held in the Verndale Legion room Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a new civic organization for Verndale drew a good crowd and an interesting and constructive meeting was held. Mr. L.E. Perkins was elected to act as temporary chairman and called the meeting to order. His first procedure was to read the proposed constitution and bylaws for the new organization.

•Muriel Dickinson, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson, held a perfect 29 hand in cribbage Wednesday of last week. Muriel was playing cribbage with her Uncle Doty Smith of Little Falls when the hand that every cribbage player is in hopes of getting, came to her. Muriel, not being too experienced a cribbage player, called her father’s attention to the hand, which was three fives and a Jack of diamonds and she drew a five of diamonds. Just what the odds are in one getting the perfect hand, we cannot say, but we do know that is one in several thousand.

•Representative Joseph P. Lorentz of Wadena has introduced at the current session of the state legislature a bill that would permit rough fish spearing on an ordinary angling license, and allow the conservation commissioner to open up 50 percent of the waters in any county.

40 Years Ago, February 4, 1982

•The Historical Society has set the date of March 1 as the absolute deadline for all copies for the area history book that is being written. It has been in the making for a number of years, and the final goal for publication is before 1983, Verndale’s incorporation centennial. All persons having information and family histories should have them turned in at the Verndale Sun office or to the Historian Mary Lu McLure by that date.

•Gary Nelson, field supervisor for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, was the guest speaker at the first Parents Are Responsible meeting conducted in the Verndale School library Sunday afternoon. He has been in the field of law enforcement for more than 21 years, having served as deputy sheriff, border patrolman, parole agent, criminal investigator and was the first supervisor of the State Narcotics Bureau. He is a graduate of the Minnesota Highway Patrol School, the F.B.I. National Academy at Washington, D.C. and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs School.

•The Wadena County Engineering Department has officially notified the city of Verndale that as of next year it will no longer plow city streets other than county roads. Hereafter, the city will have to advertise and contract with private individuals for this service.

15 Years Ago, January 31, 2007

•This year’s Sweetheart Days king and queen candidates are: Megan Hackler, John Price, Dan Adamietz, Ashley Goddard, Brandon Cottrell, Andi Wiese, Jake Hauer and Reba Greer.

•All of the sixth graders in Verndale submitted a poster for the Lions/Lioness poster contest. They were judged at the local level, and there were three winners for each of the Lions/Lioness. Two of the sixth graders made it to the district convention, Bridget Davidson and Brianna Nadgwick. Nadgwick won sixth place.

•Wadena resident Eric Brown is interning for State Senator Dan Skogen (DFL-Hewitt) during the 2007 legislative session. A 2005 graduate of Wadena High School and sophomore at the University of Minnesota, Brown is the son of Ann and Steve Brown.



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