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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, May 29, 1947

•Wadena County 4-H boys and girls will participate in a Wadena County 4-H camp at the Methodist Camp Grounds in Park Rapids from June 12-15. The camp committee met at Mrs. Ostlund’s home at Verndale last Monday evening and appointed different committees to work out details for the camp.

•Wadena County Attorney Charles E. Kennedy of Wadena, has been engaged to deliver the Memorial Day address at the services in Verndale Friday morning in the high school auditorium beginning at 10 a.m.

•The Verndale Sun wants a picture of every baby girl or boy in this trade territory so it can have a cut made and the picture published in the paper. To be certain that we receive a late picture and a good one that will portray your baby just as it is now, we have made arrangements with the Woltz Studios of Des Moines, to come to Verndale on Monday, June 2, to take these pictures free of charge.

40 Years Ago, June 3, 1982

•Four of the five candidates who will vie for the Miss Verndale title Saturday evening are, Carmen Hosek, Sharl Denny, Deanna Fischer and Denice Dalen. Angie Peterson is the other contestant, not able to be present for the photo. One of them will be crowned during the ice cream social which will be held in McNair Park beginning at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 5.

•The Verndale Athletic Banquet and Awards Night was held last Thursday. Receiving special recognition were Bruce Beaver, Robin Adams, Todd Pilgrim and Leon Dahlvang. Bruce and Leon tied as recipients of the Doc Shuft Memorial Sportsmanship Award given to outstanding sportsman in all-school as well as public activities. Todd Pilgrim won the James Gould Award for the outstanding male athlete of the year and Robin Adams was named outstanding girl athlete of the year. Mike Hokanson representing the boy athletes in the senior class, presented Mike Mahlen, their coach in football and track, a plaque of appreciation for his services.

•Verndale was defeated by Menahga in District 24 baseball by the score of 7-3. The Pirates made excellent contact with the ball but were able to manage only three hits off of winning pitcher Craig West. Menahga, behind an assault of the opposite field hits, collected a total of nine hits, four walks and seven strikeouts from the combined pitching efforts of Ron Denny and Todd Pilgrim.

15 Years Ago, May 31, 2007

•After 23 years of teaching and five years of subbing, Mrs. Dixie Hosmer has decided it's time to say goodbye to the art projects, storytime, show-and-tell, “kindergarten style” sitting, bulletin boards and lesson plans. In 1985 she accepted the kindergarten position in Verndale and has been expanding the mind of youngsters ever since.

•This was our outdoor extravaganza of sirens and horns. The Wadena Armory National Guard brought their inflatable obstacle course to the “Hoots and Toots” Family Fun Night on Tuesday, May 15 at the Verndale School. Parents and students were able to test their strength and agility. The Verndale Fire Department did a rope rescue demonstration off the top of the school!

•Cork Anderson of Verndale was inducted into the Lions Hall of Fame on Saturday, May 19 in Wilmar. The following is the letter from the Lions Club nominating Cork.

“Cork was born, raised and has resided in Verndale for the past 70 years. He was educated in the Verndale Public School system and was active in band, choir, football, and basketball. Cork started working for his father and then took over the business in Verndale which he owned for 25 years. He has been a school bus driver for 50 years and a substitute bus driver the past 14. Without Cork, not only would our Lions Club not be as successful, but our community as a whole would not be the same place to live. For the last 40 years, Cork has truly exemplified the motto ‘We Serve.’”



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