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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, June 19, 1947

•A dairy breeding meeting will be held at the Legion Hall in Verndale on Thursday, June 26, announced County Agent Miles G. Rowe. This meeting is being held for the express purpose of answering the many questions that farmers have in connection with this program, and discussing the progress that is already being made in Wadena County. They will also sign up any new members who want to participate.

•The Verndale School Board of Education has hired Mr. Ringer of St. Cloud as their industrial arts instructor to replace Mr. Kangas. Mr. Ringer, who served three years in the Navy during World War II, is a graduate of St. Cloud Technical College, and will stay at the Mrs. Ben LaLone home when he comes here in September.

• “Sharkey” Payne, owner of Verndale’s Theater states that he expects to open up his new Verndale Theater sometime in the first week of July. Mr. Payne has done a great deal of remodeling and rebuilding the theater, and we’re certain the people of Verndale and the surrounding community will be more than pleased when it is completed. Some of the improvements he has made are a new heating and cooling unit that can change the air completely every five minutes, a crying room for the mothers or fathers to take their children, reupholstered seats, a new canopy, men and women's lavatory redecorating, etc.

40 Years Ago, June 24, 1982

•One hundred twenty-two visitors signed the guest register at the Verndale Museum during the open house last Sunday afternoon and were served cake and a beverage. They came from Everett, WA; Galesburg, IL; Wahpeton, Brooklyn Park, Hackensack and more. Standing before the display for Verndale’s most renowned resident, Lt. General Leslie McNair, are Verna Derby of Verndale, Mrs. Jim Schuft of Wahpeton and mother-in-law Mildred Schuft of Verndale.

•It was a misty, rainy day Saturday when these bike riders rode to fulfill pledges for the Cystic Fibrosis bike-a-thon last Saturday afternoon. They are Lonnie Clews, Wylie Clews, Tim Brejcha, Ray Cooper, Peggy Hokanson, Earlene Clews, Joneen Rousslang and co-chairperson JoAnn Perish. Prizes from businesses were awarded to those completing the most miles between 2-4 p.m. Lonnie Clews who rode 31 miles received a Batter-Up game from Verndale Second Hand.

•Lisa Wienhold, granddaughter of Elsie Orr of Verndale, appeared as flute soloist on the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 with the Peabody Symphony Orchestra at the National Presbyterian Church, Washington D.C. on April 23.

15 Years Ago, June 20, 2007

•Clarence Horsager spoke to the audience about Verndale history and how the grist mill came to be during the Historical Society’s celebration on Sunday, June 17. The Historical Society had the celebration to unveil its 1/6 model of Verndale’s grist mill that once produced 80 barrels of flour a day.

• The 24th annual Miss Wadena Scholarship Pageant was held Sunday, June 17 at the Wadena Memorial Auditorium. Seven girls competed for a $1000 scholarship and the Miss Wadena title. Rachel Joy Papillon ended up taking home the crown for Miss Wadena.

•In honor of June Dairy Month, the East Otter Tail American Dairy Association is donating “baby bundles” to all the new babies born in June at the Perham Memorial Hospital and Tri-County Hospital in Wadena. One of our very own East Otter Tail Dairy Princesses and finalist for the Princess Kay of the Milky Way competition is Megan Roller.



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