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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, September 11, 1947

•Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Orrock announced in the Deer Creek Mirror last week that they were suspending that publication on that date, giving as their reason the lack of patronage from local businessmen. They will now concentrate their efforts on their other publication, The Tribune at Perham.

•J.B. Conley and Son, breeders of purebred Shropshire sheep, sold one of their rams at the Wadena County Fair a few weeks ago to Mr. Paul Tangjerd of Bagley. And, last week, Mr. Conley received a letter from the gentleman he sold the ram to thanking him for the reasonable sale of such a fine ram. The ram, Renk’s Aristocrat, had just won first premium prize and grand champion prize at the Clearwater County Fair at Bagley.

• Delbert Rach is holding an auction on the place known as the George Markfelder Farm, one mile south of Aldrich, on September 18.

40 Years Ago, September 16, 1982

•The new addition to the Verndale Christian and Missionary Alliance Church is progressing nicely and will soon be enclosed so that the inside work can progress, despite the weather. Windows were installed this past week. The project is becoming a reality, thanks to volunteer labor. The new addition will provide room for a foyer, kitchen, bathrooms, nursery, pastor’s study, five added Sunday School rooms and a larger fellowship room.

•The Verndale City Council met in a reconvened meeting which had been recessed from the previous Monday in order to complete the bidding received for the construction of a fire hall addition. Nine bids were opened, some for labor only, some for materials only, some for labor and cement work, and one for labor and all materials. The contract was awarded to Rick Mason of Verndale for labor because he could begin the project next week, while Taggert Construction of Wadena, the low bidder on labor, could not begin for another four weeks. The materials bid went to G & S Sales of Verndale.

•Verndale Elementary students will now be able to get a better look at the moon and stellar objects with the use of a new Tasco, 180 power, refractor telescope which came complete with three lenses, a tripod, a large map of the moon and a booklet, “A Key to Beginning Astronomy”. Thanks to all who helped collect product labels. Other items also “purchased” with Campbell’s soup labels and Swanson’s frozen food labels were four cans of tennis balls, two soccer balls and two Rand McNally atlases, “the Magnificent Content” and “The Explorer Atlas”.

15 Years Ago, September 12, 2007

•As many know, Verndale School has a new principal this year. After Principal Krogstad resigned last spring, the local school found the perfect replacement in Paul Brownlow. He came from Chokio-Alberta, where he served as their principal/superintendent for two years. He wanted to be able to focus on one position and that was leaning toward principal.

•Verndale Police Chief Bill Gilroy announced his resignation at the city council meeting held on September 4. The resignation is effective October 4. Gilroy would not answer any questions about his decision. He told the city council in person and by letter that he was leaving for “personal reasons.”

•Last week started out looking good for the Verndale volleyball team but ended up looking a little grimmer. After winning their match against Laporte, the rest of the week was downhill for the girls. Then they played the Henning Hornets at Henning, losing 3-0. On Saturday, things got worse as the girls traveled to New York Mills to compete in an eight-team tournament. The girls placed sixth after losing middle hitter Jackie Kern to an injury and won only one of their matches.



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