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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, June 17, 1948

• The old scale house, owned by Andy’s Cash Store, was torn down in the early part of this week in preparatory for the erection of a new cement block structure.

• Willis Bounds, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bounds, met with a painful injury last Monday afternoon when he and his little brother, Wayne, were riding horseback. Willis got off the horse and was leading it across a slough hole and he stumbled and fell and the horse stepped on his left leg, just above the ankle, breaking both bones. He crawled to a stump and got on the horse with the assistance of his brother and Wayne lead the horse home. Willis was rushed to a doctor and it was set and put in a cast. His friends wish him a speedy recovery.

• Mrs. Boyd Conley will leave today for Philadelphia, Pa., where she will attend the Republican National Convention as a delegate from Minnesota’s sixth district. Walter Rogosheske is the other delegate from this district. On Monday morning, Minnesota women will be hostesses to breakfast at which the 100 women delegates to the convention will be guests. This is the largest representation of women delegates ever sent by any state to a national Republican convention.

40 Years Ago, June 15, 1983

• The 1983 State Track Meet took place last Friday and Saturday, June 10-11 in Bloomington. Representing Bertha-Hewitt/Verndale at the meet were Mary Line and Tammy Krell. Mary went to compete in the 100, 200, 400 meter dashes and the long jump. Tammy competed in the 100 and 200 meter hurdles and high jump. Mary made the finals in the 400 meter dash and the long jump and Tammy in the 100 and 200 meter hurdles. Mary placed sixth in the 400 meter dash. Tammy placed fourth in the 200 meter hurdles.

• Oracle Joan Davis pinned Madonna Desrocher with a 50-year pin in recognition for having Royal Neighbor insurance for that length of time. The pinning took place last Thursday evening at the regular monthly meeting at the Dave Bessler home. Madonna’s mother, Anna Burkel of Bader, also a member of the local camp, will also receive her 50-year pin.

• Maurice Pluth of Staples reluctantly accepted a donkey in exchange for his daughter Mary Ellen’s hand in marriage after the groom and his eight attendants failed to come up with enough cash between them to close the deal. Mike Lovelace and Mary Ellen were married a short time later at the England Prairie Club House near Verndale.

15 Years Ago, June 19, 2008

• There are new faces at the Verndale Sun. The office is staffed for summer and ready to meet the needs of the community and surrounding area and that includes Arica Gades, office assistant extraordinary; Sue Rocheford, associate editor; and Jerry Richardson, sales manager. Arica has worked at the Sun for a while as the high school intern and was hired to be the summer office assistant. Sue, some may know as Sue Madsen, is not a stranger to Verndale as she raised four children here. Jerry started about a month ago as sales manager for the Verndale Sun and Citizen’s Advocate bringing with him over 10 years of newspaper advertising experience.

• The Verndale Bison Baseball Team defeated the Nimrod Nuts for the second time in two weeks. This time was a little closer score, Bison 2, Nimrod 1. Verndale scored one run in the first inning when Ryan Greenwood and Trent Carr opened the game with back-to-back singles. Greenwood ended up scoring on a wild pitch to give the Bison a 1-0 lead. That was the only run of the game by either team until the 8th inning.

• This year’s winner of the Verndale Elementary Pop Tab contest for the Ronald McDonald House is Mrs. Paulson’s second grade. The winning classroom collected 34 pounds of pop tabs. All tabs collected by the Verndale Elementary students are donated to the Ronald McDonald House Ride Committee and added to the pop tabs collected by hundreds of community members throughout the area. Mrs. Paulson’s classroom picture will be posted on the Ronald McDonald House Benefit Ride website.



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