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Dusting Off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, February 1, 1945

• Sgt. Orville E. Andrews is Verndale’s first wounded soldier hero to arrive home. Sgt. Andrews, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrews. was an auto rifleman with the 349th Infantry Regiment, one of Lt. General Mark W. Clark’s Fifth Army Units, which smashed the Gustav and Hitler lines and chased the Germans from the Garigliano to the Arno River in Italy.

• Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stigman received the news last week that their youngest son, Pvt. Lloyd Stigman was wounded in combat in Belgium on January 5, less than 20 days after he landed overseas. Lloyd landed in France on December 18.

• Mrs. C. E. Anderson wishes to thank all who have so far, donated toward paying for the 50 kit bags that the Verndale Red Cross chapter has been asked to pay for, $50 must be raised. Each week the names of those who have given so our fighting men may have a well equipped kit bag will be published. Larry Anderson, Roland Anderson, Roberta Jeanne Bradford and Kare Rae Davis each gave $1.

40 Years Ago, February 7, 1980

• After studying seven resumes and conducting another interview, Verndale Council members voted to hire Cedric Haugen of Wadena as city patrolman. Cedric has been working with his dog, Sam, with the Wadena County Sheriff’s Department, and gave as a his reason for seeking the new position, hours which would be more compatible with his plans for obtaining a college degree through part-time classes.

• Naomi Stone of rural Verndale, teacher of Home Economics at Staples High School, was recognized with a merit award at the annual Minnesota Home Economics Association Teacher of the Year Awards Program held on February 1 at the Leamington Hotel, downtown Minneapolis. She was runner up to Elsie Gerner, teacher at Black Duck.

• Tim Seaton, Verndale High School senior, has been named to WCCO Radio’s All-State Basketball Team of the Week. The announcement was made by Sid Harman and Dan Hertsgaard on the Thursday night “Prep Parade” program. Seaton, son of Wilbur and Betty Seaton was named a forward.

15 Years Ago, February 3, 2005

• Many of you have wondered what’s the matter with Lee Tarrell? After all these years, it almost seems like a new Lee has taken over. Beginning at the end of October, there was a significant change in Lee. He retired from the post office.

• The Verndale Snow Daze candidates are Tyler Fisher, David Cannon, Jesse Lehner, Tom Adamietz, Jackie Wiese, Kara Trosen, Courtney Mancuso, and Paula Schoon. Coronation will be held on February 7 as 1 p.m.

• Principal Dean Krogstad had an unusual challenge for Verndale School students. He told them if they could raise $1500 for the tsunami relief effort, he would have his ear pierced. In just over two weeks, the students met that challenge and raised $1550. On January 24, the principal kept his promise. Michelle Schluttner and Nicole Kern from Maine Hair Design picked out the earing, brought the equipment and helped Mr. Krogstad uphold his end of the bargain.


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