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Four-month-old born with rare genetic disorder

Paisley was born with a rare genetic disorder called MPS 1 or Hurler

Syndrome. She has undergone several surgeries, chemotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant.

A GoFundMe has been set up

to help the family.

by Trinity Gruenberg

A young couple from Wadena was excited for the birth of their first child, a beautiful baby girl named Paisley. Their happiness was short-lived after a newborn screening revealed some devastating news.

Parents Elizabeth Peterson, who will be 23 on April 5, and Chandler Kvamme, 25, both Bertha-Hewitt graduates, were elated to start a family.

On October 28, 2022, they welcomed their baby girl Paisley into the world. Doctors informed them the newborn screening revealed Paisley had a rare genetic disorder called MPS 1 or Hurler Syndrome that required immediate attention if she were to have a longer and better quality of life.

The news shocked the new parents, taking in this new information as they were taken to the Children’s’ Hospital in Minneapolis to begin immediate treatment.

MPS 1 or Hurler Syndrome is a rare, inherited disorder. Children with Hurler Syndrome have an abnormal accumulation of complex sugars in their cells, which affects the systems in their bodies. Hurler Syndrome is one of about 50 diseases classified as lysosomal storage disorders (LSD). In these disorders, genetic variations disrupt the normal activity of lysosomes in human cells. . .



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