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In Focus

Ahhh, garage sales. It has been a long time since I’ve had one, and I had forgotten just how much work they are.

With the assistance of our neighbors, mom and I were able to get stuff set up and priced for the Hewitt Days weekend. I had originally intended to not have a sale this weekend because I was working, but mom was adamant.

On Friday I ended up running the show myself. I brought my computer outside to work while keeping an eye on our garage sale.

People-watching can be so entertaining!

I had one guy that picked up a book because he had a first edition of it. The book instructed him and a friend how to build a log cabin on a fairground for their first time ever and they did it. It’s apparently still standing today.

An adorable little boy picked up some jewelry and art for his mom. Sweet kid. And he selected some toys for himself and his brother.

Of course, we had more than just our own stuff. We had some items from the neighbors, including a small gun safe I had no clue how to open. The code didn’t work and it took a bit to get the key to work. We finally got it open and it went to a new home.

And, no matter how hard we tried to wash, dry and keep things clean, people could tell we had pets. Oh, yes, there was hair present. Oh well, we gave it our best shot!

The sale was pretty entertaining overall. But I’m not looking forward to taking this stuff down and packing it away when it’s over.


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