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John and Kathy Peters share their story about having COVID-19

by Karin L. Nauber

John and Kathy Peters of rural Browerville have both tested positive for COVID-19.

The Peters are among the hundreds of cases in the county who have contracted the illness with varying degrees of severity.

Many of you may know John as he owns and operates a computer shop in Long Prairie specializing in repair and education.

“I have been in the business for 52 years, doing research, actuarial programming, teaching high school and college along with managing 103 technicians for major accounts,” said John.

The majority of his current business is providing cost efficient service and education to senior citizens.

Kathy is a nurse manager at Good Samaritans Bethany nursing home in Brainerd.

John shared that his symptoms come and go.

“My temperature is on a roller coaster going down to 99 up to 102. I get chills and sweats, diarrhea. Half an hour later I feel fine. Then I get muscle and joint pain,” he said.

On Saturday night, May 23, John had to urinate every 20 minutes or so. His balance was terrible and he had to brace himself while walking to the bathroom.

“At about 8 a.m. Sunday I got up and immediately got light-headed. I managed to get to the floor before I completely passed out. I do not know how long I was there. Monday I went to bed at 7 p.m. and got up Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.,” he shared.

Kathy’s symptoms are different than John’s.

She coughs more and has a runny nose. She said that if she hadn’t tested positive, she would have assumed she had spring allergies and was tired from her long hours of working.

For both, the symptoms they experience come in waves.

So, how did they know they had contracted the disease? John explained. . . . .


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