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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

May 14, 1997

At the Hewitt City Council, the price for railroad lots 1-5 was set at $400 per lot which was the assessed value. According to Mayor Harold Tritsch, a previous property owner has planted apple trees on the lot. “But we are not going to get into that. Whoever buys the property can work it out with them about the apple trees,” he said.


The Bertha-Hewitt softball team racked up two wins and one loss last week to move their record to 4-8 overall. The Bears played Sebeka at home. Tracy Schultz started pitching and went five full innings. Nicole Wilhelmi came in as relief and pitched two innings and picked up the win. The final score was 16-11. Leading the Bears offensively was Nannette Ostlund going 3 for 4.

75 Years Ago

May 15, 1947

J.C. Miller, president of the First National Bank of Bertha, was honored at a meeting of the Central Minnesota Clearing House Association at St. Cloud when the group paid him tribute as the oldest active banker in the group. At the conclusion of the meeting, A.J. Hilpert, cashier of the First National Bank, was elected director of the association.


Rev. C.K. Preus, pastor of the First English Lutheran Church of Fergus Falls, will deliver the commencement address for twenty seniors who will receive diplomas. Gerald Heuer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heuer, is valedictorian, and Joyce Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schultz is salutatorian. Verna Mae Leyh, DeLores Haase, and Bauer were also honor students.


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