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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

May 22, 1996

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bulcher would like to announce the graduation of their daughter, Maria Catherine Bulcher. Maria has earned the title and is recognized as valedictorian of the Bertha-Hewitt High School graduation class of 1996. She has a current grade point average of 4.0.


Mike Schwantes received an award for outstanding operation, maintenance and management of the Hewitt wastewater collection and treatment facilities during 1995.

75 Years Ago

May 23, 1946

Frank L. King, Long Prairie, attorney and a veteran of World War II, will deliver the Memorial Day address at the high school auditorium. According to Harold Booen, commander of the local American Legion Post, the day’s ceremonies will start at 9:30 a.m., when the parade forms at the creamery corner to march to the school. All veterans of World War II are urged to join the parade, dressed in full uniform.


Saturday, May 25, was the proclaimed Poppy Day in Bertha. A proclamation was issued by Mayor H. Elkjer. The mayor called upon all citizens to observe the day by wearing the memorial poppy from the American Legion Auxiliary.


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