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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

September 18, 1996

On Labor Day weekend, the Hewitt Co-op Grocery store had a break-in. The burglars only got a small amount of change from the cash register at the store and took no other items. According to Hewitt Mayor Harold Tritsch, who also works at the grocery store, “They broke the front doorknob off to gain entry.” Apparently, the burglar(s) also injured themselves on the back door, leaving blood near the door and a trail over to the front of the Senior Citizen’s Center. The break-in is under investigation by the Todd County Sheriff’s Department.


Balsamlund Lutheran Church of Aldrich in conjunction with the Aid Association of Lutherans raised over $1200 for the Balsamlund’s youth group. The fundraiser was held as a demonstration ‘helping hands’ project where AAL added $600 to the raised amount of $600. District Representative for AAL Delton Stohns handed the $600 check to Wally Wiese, a youth leader for Balsumlund Lutheran Church.

75 Years Ago

September 19, 1946

Memorial services for Victor H. Huelsnitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Huelsnitz, were held on September 15 at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church with Rev. George Eschenbacher officiating. Lt. Huelsnitz was reported missing on June 23, 1945, after a flight over Burma and later was declared officially dead by the War Department.


Harry Harlow, who has been playing ball with the Northern League at Grand Forks, returned home recently and is now employed at Bottemiller-Engelmann Furniture store in Wadena.


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