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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

January 8, 1998

There are more new changes in the Browerville business community. After weeks of speculation and rumors, Steve and Sonja Pearson have announced that they purchased Jordahl’s Grocery from Russ and Jan Noland. Steve and Sonja took over on January 2 and they are excited about their new business. Steve said the same friendly faces will greet customers. He plans to expand the meat, frozen and dairy departments and will do some remodeling. A grand opening is planned for May. Jan will continue to work in the store part-time.


Another chapter in the squabble between the Todd County Board and the Todd County Attorney unfolded at the December 30 board meeting. In a resolution, prepared for them by a Twin Cities attorney, the commissioners removed from their budget, money to hire an assistant for County Attorney Charles Rasmussen. The resolution stated the commissioner’s denial of the previously agreed upon funding and it would be reviewed if the county attorney was able to obtain a contract with the village of Long Prairie, and other county communities, for city prosecutor. Rasmussen was recently the low bidder for the contract in Long Prairie. The city council awarded the contract to the highest bidder, however.

75 Years Ago

January 8, 1948

The Browerville Fire Department held its annual meeting Monday evening. The following new officers were elected: Joe Kotula, chief; Frank Eldred, assistant chief; Ava Murphy, secretary; L.G. Gimpl, treasurer; and Eli Lucas, trustee.


Annual solicitation for the March of Dimes, the great national appeal that is made each year to fight infantile paralysis, will this year be conducted in this county from January 15 to 31, it was announced by I.F. Lano, chairman of the Todd organization. Lano has appointed the following citizens to be in charge of the campaign in their respective communities: Dean Alderman, Grey Eagle; A.O. Undem, Little Sauk; Matt Kramer, Round Prairie; I.F. Lano, Long Prairie; Peter Kiselewski, Browerville; Mrs. Lucy Berzyk, Clarissa; Olga Weibye, Eagle Bend; Elmie Lewis, Bertha; John T. Provinzino, Hewitt; Henry Baker, Staples; and H.G. Wakefield, West Union.



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